1. 负责动力或储能电池pack模组结构、电气等系统设计、应用;
2. 负责PACK/模组端新产品新工艺开发、验证和导入;
3. 对业务部发展提供技术支撑,识别先行技术并组织预研、实施;
4. 负责Pack/ 模组团队的技术管理和梯队建设;
5. 领导交代的其他工作。
1. Responsible for power or energy storage battery pack module structure, electrical system design and application;
2. Responsible for PACK/ module side new product and new process development, verification and import;
3. Provide technical support for the development of business department, identify advanced technologies and organize pre-research and implementation;
4. Responsible for technical management and echelon construction of Pack/ module team;
5. Other work assigned by the leader.
2. 负责PACK/模组端新产品新工艺开发、验证和导入;
3. 对业务部发展提供技术支撑,识别先行技术并组织预研、实施;
4. 负责Pack/ 模组团队的技术管理和梯队建设;
5. 领导交代的其他工作。
1. Responsible for power or energy storage battery pack module structure, electrical system design and application;
2. Responsible for PACK/ module side new product and new process development, verification and import;
3. Provide technical support for the development of business department, identify advanced technologies and organize pre-research and implementation;
4. Responsible for technical management and echelon construction of Pack/ module team;
5. Other work assigned by the leader.
地址:合肥包河区安徽省合肥市包河区花园大道 566 号-国轩高科工程研究总院