1. 对教育事业充满热情和情怀;
2. 坚持以孩子为中心,把孩子放在心上;
3. 具有开放包容的心态,乐于接受新事物;
4. 在大家工作出现困难的时候提供你的建议和帮助;
5. 在学科领域、教学资源和教学方法上保持与时俱进,善于跨学科教学,创新教学模式。
We expect you to accompany our fellow teachers in the following aspects:
1. Be passionate about education;
2. Put the children as the center and always keep your children in mind;
3. Have an open and inclusive mindset and be willing to accept new things;
4. Give advice and provide help when your teammates have trouble;
5. Keep up with the times in your subject areas, teaching resources and teaching methods; be good at interdisciplinary teaching, and innovate teaching models.
1. 保障您过体面生活的薪金收入;
2. 为您的孩子提供教育奖学金,接受良好的教育;
3. 根据学校教学和发展需要,提供有针对性的培训;
4. 口味丰富,营养健康的教工三餐,并为您提供餐费补贴;
5. 舒适方便的住宿环境,充分考虑家庭因素,提供教师公寓;
6. 为了保障您和家庭的紧密联系,每年提供2次往返海南的探亲机票报销;
7. 为帮助你能更快地融入海南,响应海南时代发展的浪潮,积极配合您办理海南落户。
We promise to support and enhance your professional development:
1. Guarantee your salary income for a decent life;
2. Provide an educational scholarship for your child to receive a good education;
3. Provide targeted training based on our school teaching and development needs;
4. Provide rich and nutritious meals, as well as meal subsidies;
5. Comfortable and convenient accommodation, take family factors into account, and provide teacher apartments if needed;
6. In order to keep your close ties with your family, you will be offered 2 round f trips to and from Hainan every year to visit your family;
7. To help you integrate Hainan more quickly, as well as respond to the rapid development in Hainan, we shall actively cooperate with you to settle in Hainan.
